Ankita Kokkera



I'm a junior pursuing B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering with a specialization in Cloud Computing from the SRM Institute of Science & Technology, KTR Campus, Chennai. I am very passionate about Machine Learning, Neural Networks, and Data Science in addition to a leisurely and cursory interest in Business and Management.

ML Developer & Data Science enthusiast

I am Actively looking for internship opportunities for Computer Science positions and more specifically, Machine Learning or Data Science applications. I am also open to opportunities involving Business and Management.

  • Birthday: 19th June 2001
  • Phone: +91 9860335754
  • City: Mumbai, India
  • Age: 20
  • Degree: B.Tech.
  • Email:

I have done and collaborated with many people to work on various projects ranging from ML or Deep Learning projects to websites for Skin Cancer detection. I have also shown interest in Business and Management. I have written Technical Articles and helped in organizing College events by working on content for captions or even drafting necessary emails.

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GitHub Commits


Python 80%
Data Science 60%
Content Writing 75%
Management 80%


Currently I am the Vice-Chair of ACM Women Chapter at SRMIST. I have worked with many organizations as part of technical based teams in the ML, DL, Data Analytics and Web Development domains as well as a part of Corporate and Non-Technical Domains. I have also worked with some well established companies as an Intern or Volunteer.

Academics & College Clubs

Vice Chair

September 2021 - Present

SRMIST ACM Women Chapter

  • Machine Learning Developer - (Feb 2021 - Sep 2021).
  • Organised and conducted an online workshop titled 'Introduction to Classification in ML' where was able to achieve around 100+registrations.
  • Worked on a Twitter Sentiment Analysis Model which basically Monitors emotions in Twitter tweets using an automated process of identifying and classifying subjective information in text data.

Student Researcher

July 2021 - Present

SRM Institute of Science and Technology

  • Working with Dr.S.Dhanalakshmi on a project for Advanced Computational Intelligence Methods for Processing Brain Imaging Data.
  • Using Deep Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Segmentation and Classification.

Corporate Associate

July 2019 - Present

Aakash Research Labs

  • Part of a budding team from SRMIST which is a remote location for the project by the IIT-B to develop Resourceful Applications.
  • Organized events and competitions for the club. Also been a Content Writer since October 2019.
  • Formalized and advanced numerous new projects for growing network outreach and public visibility.
  • Completed Writing projects like unique and eye-catching content for our Instagram page., met deadlines, and followed content requirements in terms of style and project specifications. Helped create style guides or suggest changes to ensure content is consistent and clear.
  • Currently an HR of the Machine Learning Domain.

Machine Learning Developer

July 2020 - August 2021

Data Science Community SRM

  • Member of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Domain in a Data Science-based student-led innovation community at SRMIST with an aim to foster development skills among students.
  • Built 3 Deep Learning projects along with an amazing team of developers from the community that can potentially be extended into workable financial models.
  • Acquired an understanding of teamwork and dealt with interpersonal conflicts.

Business Associate

Dec 2020 - Present

Alexa Developers SRM

  • Helped contact sponsors for various events organised by the club.
  • The club harbor developers, that showcase best of their skills to vibe with Alexa. Powered by Amazon, we conducted informative workshops, hackathons and online competitions to build a strong vocal network.
  • Professional Experience & Volunteering

    AI and ML Intern

    Aug 2021 - Oct 2021

    Lambda Vision IXXO

    • Lambda vision is company situated in Paris, Ile-de-France. It aims for Ecommerce infrastructure for a distributed world
    • Worked on Expertise Search, a model that classifies documents based on given categories using Natural Language Processing.
    • Worked on a Python script that will download all YouTube video metadata in a local database (web crawler).

    Research Intern

    Jan 2022 - Present

    Samsung R&D

    • Developing a tool to generate RTP traffic and send to 5Gbearer/eNB.

    Artificial Intelligence Intern

    May 2020 - June 2020


    • Learned and helped develop innovative projects in the field of Machine Learning like Data Classification Using Single Artificial Neural Network and Building an Efficient Pedestrian Detection Model in Python using open CV.

    Data Science and Business Analyst Intern

    June 2021

    The Sparks Foundation

    • An opportunity to polish my skills and bring my knowledge of data science to practical use by working on various projects.
    • Created a Decision Tree classifier and visualized it graphically for the given ‘Iris’ dateset.
    • Predicted the percentage of a student, based on the number of study-hours.
    • Performed 'Exploratory Data Analysis' on dataset ‘Global Terrorism’ to find out the hot zones of terrorism.

    Technical Intern

    Oct 2020

    Bitgrit Inc.

    • Worked as an Intern at the Asia-based networking platform for data scientists that develops mechanisms to optimize AI and better integrate it in today’s society.
    • Completed all the tasks allotted successfully and learned a lot of new skills along with an amazing experience.


    Dec 2019 - May 2020

    National Service Scheme

    • National Service Scheme (NSS) is a permanent youth programme under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India and funded by Government of Tamil Nadu and Government of India in the ratio of 5:7.


    I make use of vast varieties of latest technology tools to create Data Science and ML projects. I believe in learning something new every day.

    • All
    • ML and DL
    • Web and App


    Artificial Intelligence

    It has proven to be one of the best investments in the past few years, and every big tech company nowadays is now somehow connected to AI, whether they are using or producing it. I think the possibilities for development in the future are countless, and this is the exciting part.

    Deep Learning

    I like to solve problems, love to code, enjoy thinking about hypotheticals​, and turn them into something practical. All of these qualities are useful in ML. I enjoy working in a field where esoteric knowledge is valued.

    Business and Management

    I belive that the skills I’ll gain in this are extremely transferrable, which means that they will be useful in many different industries. That gives me an amazing amount of flexibility if I decide to shift to a different industry or role.

    Web Development

    Although this is not my first choice, I do like to make Websites and handling different templates! I do love having various opportunities to express myself creatively on the internet.

    Data Science

    The job of Data scientist has become a new trend across the world. I would love to be data scientist as it brings in skill sets and knowledge from various backgrounds such as Mathematics, Statistics, Analytics, Modeling, and Business acumen.

    Information Technology

    The biggest part of studying information technology is practical. By doing an information technology course, I don’t just learn the theoretical part but also get the opportunity to make things. With that, I can change or adjust things and implement what I’ve learned.


    I love to write content that create an impact and also share my knowledge with insightful articles on various fields of technology.



    Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 603203


    +91 9860335754

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